Freedom Journey
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Replacing the victim identity means we need something else to guide our life. Micah 6:8 provided this. We are to act justly (do the right thing), give mercy (not judgment), and walk humbly (not pridefully).
We will always have tough problems to work through, so how do we stay on Trust Trail? Trust God, commit to live his way, rest from our sinful ways, and wait for him to work.
Unforgiveness keeps us bound up in bitterness and self-imposed wounds. When we allow God into our wounds, trusting our offenders to him through forgiveness, we truly heal and are set free.
Grieving is a necessary and healthy part of our healing process. When barriers are removed through forgiveness, sadness is allowed to emerge, and we can finally heal.
The healing process helps us become congruent people, allowing us to be consistent in what we believe, do, say, think, and feel. Being congruent helps us stop working against ourselves and, instead, live wisely and peacefully.
In order to stay on Trust Trail, we need to give God the place of primary importance in our life by spending time with him regularly, praying and reading his Word, and fellowshipping with Christians.
Reminding ourselves of our future life with Jesus and his promises will help sustain us today. One day this world will pass away, and we will live forever in heaven.