A Perspective on Freewill - Class 10 - Men's Healing Journey

By embracing a broader perspective, one with eternal boundaries, we begin to get a more accurate take on what this life is all about—particularly the hard stuff. God knew when he created our freewill that we would use it harmfully, so he made a plan to restore victims and offenders. Our choices will be either a wall or a door to God’s restorative work being done. We need to leave the matters of justice and mercy to God because he is the only one who can perfectly keep them in balance.

  • 1 Peter 1:3-9
  • 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
Questions we hope to answer:
  • How can a loving God allow abuse?
  • How do choices affect abuse?
  • What is freewill all about?
  • Is my eternal salvation secure?
Duration: 2 Weeks
Price: $4.95