Women's Healing Journey
Note: There is no video for lesson 7 because it is a group discussion time.
As we begin to shed the victim identity we need something new to put in its place. Living our lives as victorious women is the standard God has provided for us.
It is likely this earthly life will never stop giving us tough problems to work through. How do we stay on Trust Trail when this happens?
While living in Egypt we say one thing, do another, and still believe something else. This reality begins to transform into congruency as our healing progresses.
We are like small children desperately guarding our wounds so no one will hurt our heart—but our strategy is ineffective. We need God’s healing light to penetrate deep into our wounded place if it is going to truly heal.
Grieving is the last stop on our healing journey before we arrive in the Promised Land. Forgiveness removes the barriers and allows the sadness to finally emerge as we mourn our losses.
Victorious women stand guard watching what boards the on-ramp of their minds. They screen their thoughts measuring them against God’s truth and rejecting anything that doesn’t measure up.
Once we have experienced some freedom and healing, it is important to maintain our new closeness to God by being attentive to the basics of prayer, quiet time, Bible study, and fellowship with Christians.
We are so limited in how we view the purpose of our life. It is easy to get wrapped up in our own little dramas and forget this life is not the point.